Archive of EAPH Events

Parts Therapy Workshop
Members Only Event
Sunday 20th October 24 from 10am-2pm
So it’s well worth having several tools that will help you do this without the client having to relive traumatic events.
When done properly it stops the client from self-sabotaging themselves.
Warning! Not all parts therapies are equal. Some parts therapies, if not resolved, can make the problem worse, not better!
Some methods even give the parts “names” which just goes to create further incongruence within the clients (“oh it’s not my fault, it’s Bob, my angry part”) This is a mistake.
Effective parts work should look to integrate the parts to create wholeness.
Here’s what EAPH members will learn in this experiential workshop:
- Several complete methods to integrate parts conflicts and create wholeness in your clients.
- The difference between simultaneous and sequential incongruence (really important if you work with addictions!) and how to work with both.
- How to linguistically chunk up to the highest intention of the part quickly and easily.
- Several different ways of integrating the part to create wholeness.
- When to use parts therapy and just as importantly, when not to use it.
- And much more!
…. All the processes and methods will be included in the manual.
About Your Instructor Barry Neale
Barry Neale has been studying hypnosis for over 40 years and has been a NLP Trainer for over 27 years.
He has trained students all over the world in hypnosis and NLP at his Changeworks Academy, and also still runs a thriving hypnotherapy practice in the UK.
Barry has been a guest on the Professional Hypnotherapist podcast, listen to Barry’s interview here.

EAPH Annual General Meeting
Members Only Event
Sunday 25th February 24 from 10am-3pm
Here’s the agenda for the event:
10.00 Welcome and Review of 2023 – Helen
10.15 Minutes of AGM 2023 –Pam
10.30 Financial Report – Pamela
10.40 Membership Update – Pamela
10.50 Election of Officers – Anne and Tracy
Coffee Break
11.30 Supervision with Carmel
Woo-woo in hypnotherapy and alternative healing?
- The power of belief
- Perception of Woo Woo in Hypnotherapy
- The Placebo Effect
- Interesting case for Resonance
Lunch Break
13.30 The Neuroscience of Trauma – Stephen Travers
- How trauma becomes encoded in the brain and the body.
- 4 requirements that cause trauma and anxiety based disorders such as PTSD, panic attacks, phobias etc.
14.30 Group Discussion & AOB – Susan
14.55 Closing and 2024 Aspirations – Helen

EAPH and CHPA Members Only
CPD Training Event
Sunday 8th October 2023 from 10am-2pm
Working with Addictions plus Marketing Your business
Please join us on Zoom for this informative and useful CPD training event.
In the morning you will learn about addictions and how to work with clients presenting with addiction problems.
In the afternoon you will discover the most up-to-date marketing methods for your practice including using AI (artificial intelligence).
Attending the event will award you 4 hour’s CPD points for your portfolio.
Here’s the agenda for the event:
- 10am to 11.45 – Ian Croft, Counsellor and Psychotherapist presents “Hypnotherapy and Addiction Recovery – A Journey to Empowerment”.
Module 1 – Insights into Addiction and Recovery
Module 2 – Illuminating the Nature of Addiction
Module 3 – Embracing Diversity in Addiction
- 10am to 11.45 – Ian Croft, Counsellor and Psychotherapist presents “Hypnotherapy and Addiction Recovery – A Journey to Empowerment”.
- 1.45 to 12.15 – lunch break
- 12.15 to 1pm – Ian Epstein talks about marketing your practice as a successful business and how to attract clients in 2023.
- 1 to 2pm – An Introduction to AI (artificial intelligence) with Aidan Noone, and how you can use it to:
1. Create Quality Content
2. Marketing Your Hypnotherapy business.
3. How to schedule Content posts so that they are on auto pilot
- 1 to 2pm – An Introduction to AI (artificial intelligence) with Aidan Noone, and how you can use it to:

EAPH Members Only Event
Sunday 26th February 2023
Here’s the agenda for the event:
- 10.00 Welcome and Review of 2022 – Helen
- 10.15 Minutes of AGM 2022 –Pam
- 10.30 Financial Report – Pamela
- 10.40 Membership Update – Pamela
- 10.50 Election of Officers – Anne and Tracy
Coffee Break
- 11.30 Supervision with Carmel
‘Are we living in a Snowflake blizzard?’
How many snowflakes flurry into your therapy room?
How do you deal with them and are you congruent?
Explore the two sides of the coin – Snowflakes and Stoics.
Lunch Break
- 13.30 Podcasting to promote your services and increase your business – Aidan
How Podcasting can help establish you an an Expert in your chosen area of expertise and potentially create much more money for your business. - 14.30 Group Discussion & AOB – Susan
- 14.55 Closing and 2023 Aspirations – Helen
Working with Children and Adolescents in a Hypno-Therapeutic Setting
Complimentary CPD Event for EAPH & CHPA members
€30 fee for non-members
Sunday 16th October 2022
from 10am to 2pm
online via Zoom

Hypnotherapists, psychotherapists and counsellors – please join us for this educational and informative 4-hour CPD event.
We are delighted to bring you this practical workshop with our expert members Susan McElligott and Carina McEvoy.
Susan and Carina are published authors as well as practising hypnotherapists, and this event promises to be informative, educational and fun!
EAPH and CHPA members are welcome to attend for free. Non-members are welcome to join us for a small fee of €30.
CPD Group Supervision for EAPH and CHPA members

Friday 16th September 2022 from 6m to 9pm online via Zoom
We are delighted that Carmel Semple has agreed to offer another of her valuable supervision sessions to members of both EAPH and CHPA.
Self-care is one of the foundation stones for looking after ourselves and others, including our clients.
We all know the benefits of minding our physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health but sometimes, that’s where it ends. And knowledge is of little value without action.
Join us for our CPD on Friday 16 September 2022 (6pm-9pm on zoom) to:
- Gain a fresh perspective on the physical and emotional elements of self-care.
- Gain a fresh perspective on the psychological and spiritual elements of self-care.
- Identify saboteurs of self-care during client assessment.
- Make a commitment to take responsibility in a compassionate way to effect change.

EAPH Members Only Event
Sunday 20th February 2022 - 10am-3pm
- 10.00 Welcome and Review of 2021 – Helen
- 10.15 Minutes of AGM 2021 –Pam
- 10.30 Financial Report – Aidan
- 10.40 Membership Update – Liz
- 10.50 Election of Officers – Liz and Tracy
Coffee Break
- 11.30 Supervision (topic tba) – Carmel
Lunch Break
- 13.30 Therapeutic Breathwork – with Tom
- 14.30 Group Discussion & AOB – Susan
- 14.55 Closing and 2022 Aspirations – Helen

4-Hour Disclosure Training by Dublin Rape Crisis Centre
Subsidised CPD Event for EAPH members (€30 fee)
Thursday 11th November 2021
from 9.30am to 1.30pm online via Zoom

EAPH Workshop
Sexual Violence Disclosure Training
4-hour training tailored for our members in EAPH
This specific training has been provided to college staff, students unions, those working with young people, those in the homeless and mental health sector and many more organisations.
The half day online training includes:
- Awareness, myths and attitudes and prevalence of sexual violence
- The law in relation to consent and sexual harassment
- The impact of Rape and sexual Assault
- Points of impact in the legal process
- Scenarios and discussions
- Issues re containing, facilitating and managing a disclosure of sexual violence
- Vicarious traumatisation and strategies for self-care for those in the front line
- Tailored for mental health therapists
4-Hour Workshop with Freddie Jacquin
Complimentary CPD Event for EAPH members
Sunday 17th October 2021
from 10am to 2pm
online via Zoom
EAPH Workshop
The Power of love as a vehicle for Hypnotic change work.
Utilise strong emotions to induce trance and personal development.
10:00am: Introduction to the course, and a group hypnosis session to enhance the learning experience, absorb the knowledge and access the learnings at will.
10:15am: Demonstrations of inductions utilising emotion.
11.00am: The Arrow Technique for pain control/elimination; demonstration and practice.
How to eliminate Chronic physical or emotional pain.
The Arrow for positive emotions, demonstration and practice.
How to create a positive emotion, confidence, self-esteem, fearlessness etc.
12:30pm: 10 minute comfort break (if necessary)
12:40pm: The Jacquin Time Machine Technique. Demonstration:
How to rapidly re-visit, reassess and review a past trauma and eliminate the negative emotions attached.
If time allows also, the Jacquin Blink and Delete technique.
1:00pm: Total Perception Management (TPM)
How to have complete control of your emotions:
1:50pm: Q&A
2:00pm: Finish
Bonus Material:
*PDF of Freddie’s books: ‘Hypnotherapy’ and ‘The Lazy way to enlightenment’
*14 Day Free Membership to the Jacquin Hypnosis Academy.
*Motivation: Audio session.
Best Practices for Working Online
CPD Event for EAPH members

Sunday 25th April 2021
from 11am to 1pm
online via Zoom
- If you’re already working online with clients successfully, please come along to share your expertise and tips for success.
- If you’re working online in a limited capacity please join us to learn from experienced online therapists.
- If you haven’t yet taken the step of working online, please join us to discover how you can begin, and benefit from your colleagues’ experience.
We will be discussing all aspects of online therapy and the CPD will be in the form of an open discussion forum with plenty of Q&A time.
A document has been compiled from the results of our recent survey on the platforms, software and resources currently being used by our members. It has links to all the resources and this will be shared with participants on the day.

EAPH Members Only Event
Sunday 21st February 2021 - 10am-3pm
Please join us on Zoom for our annual AGM and CPD. It’s an opportunity to re-connect with colleagues, learn something new, and have your say in the future direction of your association.
As well as the AGM business (which will be as brief as possible!), Carmel will give an hour’s supervision session on the topic of personal development and Paul Gill will give a presentation on the topic of dreams for personal and client exploration.
Attending the event will award you 5 hour’s CPD points for your portfolio.
Please register below to confirm your attendance, the Zoom link will be sent out by email a few days before the event.
Here’s the agenda for the event:
- 10.00 Welcome and Review of 2020 – Helen
- 10.15 Minutes of AGM 2020 –Pam
- 10.30 Financial Report – Aidan
- 10.40 Membership Update – Liz
- 10.50 Election of Officers – Liz and Tracy
Coffee Break
- 11.30 Supervision on Personal Development– Carmel
Lunch Break
- 13.30 Dream Time – dream interpretation with Paul
- 14.30 Group Discussion & AOB – Susan
- 14.55 Closing and 2021 Aspirations – Helen
EAPH Members Only CPD Event
Sunday 11th October 2020 on Zoom

We are delighted to welcome our specialist members to present a valuable CPD event.
* Tracy Bolger will present on Stopping Smoking For Good – upgrade your skills when working with this category of client.
Tracy will offer insights, case histories and resource handouts from her experience of working with clients in this field.
* David Birch will present on Losing Weight and Keeping It Off Permanently – upgrade your skills when working with this category of client.
David will offer insights, case histories and resource handouts from his experience of working with clients in this field.
Let's Have Another Quiz Party!

Friday 10th July 2021 from
More Members Only Fun!
Let's Have A Quiz Party!

Friday 29th May 2021 from
Members Only Fun!
Regression Workshop, Supervision & AGM Sunday 23rd February 2020

This 5-hour CPD workshop and meeting will include:
- Workshop on regression techniques
- Presentation on therapist contracts plus a free contract template
- Therapist supervision
- Opportunity to have your say on the future direction of your association
- Make suggestions on additional features and benefits of membership
- Participate in the Annual General Meeting
- Enjoy meeting up physically with friends and colleagues in our field
- Gain 5 hours CPD for your portfolio
Mindfulness Training Sunday 6th October 2019

About the Trainer:
Carmel Farnan (MBPsS) is a Registered Psychologist, Psychotherapist and International Mindfulness Trainer.
She brings over 40 years of mindfulness practice to her work, along with lengthy experience at management level in the corporate sector. This background provided the impetus for her to set up the Irish and British Mindfulness Academies.
Carmel has taught Mindfulness Courses internationally for the past 20 years and delivered a wide range of Mindfulness Trainings (Talks, Workshops & Courses) to many corporate organisations in Ireland and UK. She adheres to the Good Practice Guidelines set out by the Irish and UK Network of Mindfulness Teachers.

This 4-hour online CPD training and workshop in mindfulness will include:
- What is Mindfulness?
- Practical tools to build up your Mindfulness practice immediately.
- How to break the habits of worrying and over-thinking.
- How to manage your thinking to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension.
- Identify unhelpful thought patterns.
- Practical stress-reduction tools.
- Using Mindfulness to reduce stress and burnout.
- Positive Psychology tools for increasing happiness, optimism, wellbeing and reducing stress.
- Experience of Mindfulness meditation practices.
- Case studies and research into using mindfulness in clinical settings.
Course Testimonials
“A really powerful course, so well structured and Carmel is so supportive and knowledgeable”.
“A wonderful course and it gives you the appetite to keep learning more about mindfulness”.
“Incorporating the course material into my daily life has introduced me to a new way of living, which includes a sense of calmness, self-awareness & gratitude. Highly recommend”.
“This course has been one of the most interesting I have ever done! It really opened up new ways of thinking for me and gave me many “light bulb” moments”.
EAPH and CHPA Members Only
CPD Training Event
Sunday 8th October 2023 from 10am-2pm
Working with Addictions plus Marketing Your business
Please join us on Zoom for this informative and useful CPD training event.
In the morning you will learn about addictions and how to work with clients presenting with addiction problems.
In the afternoon you will discover the most up-to-date marketing methods for your practice including using AI (artificial intelligence).
Attending the event will award you 4 hour’s CPD points for your portfolio.
Please register below to confirm your attendance, the Zoom link will be sent out by email a few days before the event.
Here’s the agenda for the event:
- 10am to 11.45 Ian Croft, Counsellor and Psychotherapist presents “Hypnotherapy and Addiction Recovery – A Journey to Empowerment”.
Module 1 – Insights into Addiction and RecoveryModule 2 – Illuminating the Nature of Addiction
Module 3 – Embracing Diversity in Addiction
- 10am to 11.45 Ian Croft, Counsellor and Psychotherapist presents “Hypnotherapy and Addiction Recovery – A Journey to Empowerment”.
- 1.45 to 12.15 – lunch break
- 12.15 to 1pm – Ian Epstein talks about marketing your practice as a successful business and how to attract clients in 2023.
- 1 to 2pm – An Introduction to AI (artificial intelligence) with Aidan Noone, and how you can use it to:
1. Create Quality Content
2. Marketing Your Hypnotherapy business.
3. How to schedule Content posts so that they are on auto pilot
- 1 to 2pm – An Introduction to AI (artificial intelligence) with Aidan Noone, and how you can use it to: