Hypnotherapy Resources For You

Podcast episodes and Articles

Professional Hypnotherapists Podcast by EAPH

Session 0019 Garry Coles Hypnotherapist on Hypno-Oncology

The Association of Hypno-Oncology Practitioners is the brainchild of Garry Coles who has a great belief in the power of the mind and in particular hypnotherapy and has a passion for using it to empower and assist people going through the cancer journey. He is dedicated to spreading his experience and knowledge globally to help

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Mind Your Thoughts by Susan McElligott

MIND Your Thoughts: … they could be more powerful than you think!

Mind your thoughts is a collection of short stories by EAPH member Susan McElligott, showcasing how even our darkest emotions can be overcome. The book was created based on the universal laws of physics, ‘where focus goes, energy flows.’ and the main focus is on creating a lighter vibrational frequency to rise above emotional suffering.

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Sarahs Relaxing Bedtime Story by Pamela Walsh

Tom or Sarah’s Relaxing Bedtime Storybook “Enchanted Forest”

EAPH member Pamela Walsh, a mother of two, knows and understands how important it is for children to have a good night’s sleep. The idea for the books began with her own children when helping them to relax at bedtime. They loved it so much that Pamela would tell a ‘Relaxing Story’ every night. She

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Professional Hypnotherapists Podcast by EAPH

Session 0017 Peter George ICHP Australia

Peter George of the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy in Australia, truly is a master at his craft. As I mention on the podcast, you will want to take notes.  His vast knowledge and experience is very evident as we progress through the podcast. And I know you will get immense pleasure and benefit

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Professional Hypnotherapists Podcast by EAPH

Session 0016 Sheila Granger on Marketing Your Hypnotherapy Business

There Comes A Time In Life When “Enough Is Enough!” You know a change has to be made and that things can’t keep going like this…  For some, it’s about wanting to start something; like creating a business, public speaking, or even being more outgoing. For others, it may be about quitting something that has

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Professional Hypnotherapists Podcast by EAPH

Session 0014 New Years Goals and Resolutions

A New Year and a New Goal. What do you want to achieve for 2022? How do you go about achieving that? Listen to a sample of EAPH Hypnotherapists impart their knowledge and experience, that enables you to immediately implement and reap the benefits and utilise strategies that work for you. http://www.eaph.ie Click for Transcript

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Feel Positive with Self Hypnosis

How to Improve Positive Feelings with Self Hypnosis

Start the Day Feeling Relaxed and Positive with Self Hypnosis! Practice this short self hypnosis technique every morning immediately on waking or before you get out of bed. It will help you to feel relaxed and positive as you begin your day….. You can also use it to take a break at any time during

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Professional Hypnotherapists Podcast by EAPH

Session 0013 Dr. Pradeep K. Chadha, The Drugless Psychiatrist

A very warm welcome to this edition of the Professional Hypnotherapists Podcast. Dr. Pradeep Chadha, the drugless psychiatrist has been in practice in Ireland since the early nineties . In this podcast you will hear Dr. Chadha reveal the real truth about therapy and therapies. We gain an insight into his method of practice revealing

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Thanks for registering for the Working with Children CPD event on Sunday 16th October 22 from 10am to 2pm.

You will receive a link and password for the Zoom call, a few days before the event.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Thanks for registering for carmel's supervision on friday 16th september 2022 from 6-9pm

Your fee has been received and an email will be sent to you before the event with the zoom meeting link.

Looking forward to seeing you online then!

European Association of Professional Hypnotherapists logo

Thanks for registering for the Sunday 25th April CPD Event on Online Working.

You will receive a Zoom link a few days beforehand.

Thanks for Registering

See you on Zoom at 10am on Sunday 21st February.

Your link will be sent by email soon.

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